Expand the good in your work.
Purposeful. Adaptable. Insightful.
Colibri's approach to coaching and consulting guides leaders and organizations
to expand the good in themselves, their work, and the world.
Past & current projects
As pollinators, hummingbirds spread life from flower to flower. Like hummingbirds, my intention is to cross-pollinate ideas, skills, relationships and practices within and across leaders and organizations to expand the good in the world.
Hummingbirds are said to seek the good in life, and I seek the good in the people and organizations I partner with. Hummingbirds are known to be adaptable, present, resilient and playful––I aspire to bring these characteristics to my work every day. I also speak Spanish, which I learned while living in Spain and Argentina.
Imagine new potential and set intentions
Develop and explore critical questions
Synthesize perspectives and connect the dots to make thoughtful decisions
Take the best action to expand the good in your work
Colibrí means "hummingbird" in Spanish.
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