My services help expand the good in our work, ourselves, and the world.
I serve philanthropies, governmental agencies, nonprofits, universities, businesses, entrepreneurs, leaders and changemakers.
Professional coaching
I work with individuals and teams to develop new skills for a culture shift. Your workplace might be moving towards being more collaborative, human-centered, or adaptable. You might lead a team that is working to be more effective or creative, or more thoughtful communicators. Or maybe you or your team find it too draining to navigate interpersonal conflict.
What I do is listen closely and ask thoughtful questions. I listen for what’s underneath the surface, for what you and your workplace value, and where there is not alignment between values and actions. I ask thoughtful questions to help you see your thoughts and actions from a fresh place. I use mindfulness techniques to support you to find the clarity, curiosity, and courage to make the changes you want or need to make. As your encourager and accountability partner, I’ll help you stay on track with your goals and action steps.
Contact me to explore what it would look like to work together.
Evaluation, research & learning
Expand the good in your work by asking and answering questions that enhance your approach, for instance: What are the ripple effects of our successes? What is at the core of our challenges? What should we do more or less of? How much of a difference are our actions and values making?
Typical project steps: design project > gather insights > analyze & synthesize > make meaning & plan action > share findings. The sequence of images reflects the spirit of these steps––first the situation is unclear and scrambled, then we methodically organize the stories and numbers, and we conclude by synthesizing the insights so that their meaning is revealed and can be easily understood. In more traditional projects, I move through these steps once. In developmental projects for emergent bodies of work, I cycle through the steps in smaller doses so that findings can readily inform action.
I will work with you to select the best evaluation or research approach and combination of methods for your objectives. My services include:
Complete evaluations and research projects; design of evaluations or research projects
Data collection tool design (development of interview guides, surveys, etc.)
Interview and/or focus group facilitation
Listening sessions (with your staff or community members)
Convenings or workshops with participatory tools like Open Space Technology, World Café and consensus workshops
Data analysis (qualitative and quantitative)
Participatory data interpretation meetings
Results-focused and/or principles-focused action planning
Strategy, vision & planning
Start here when looking to strategize for, envision or action plan for the future. Strategy, visioning and planning bring clarity, aspiration, and intentionality to initiatives, programs, projects, and product development. They are key to getting teams on the same page about:
The principles that will guide your team's actions when improvisation and judgment calls are necessary
What your vision and success look like (where are we going?)
How to navigate barriers and build on strengths to move towards success (how will we get there?)
I will work with you to select the best approaches for your objectives, such as environmental scanning, stakeholder analysis, action planning, theory of change or action, journey mapping, opportunity screening, and/or participatory strategic planning methods.
End products could include:
Adaptive strategy screen
Action plan
Operating principles/values
A strategic plan
Mission and/or vision
Theory of change or action
Convening, engagement & facilitation
Collaborative work and quality engagement do best with skilled and thoughtful facilitation. I support existing groups and bring new groups together to make decisions, weigh in on decisions, exchange ideas, build relationships and networks, and/or provide information.
Effective convening, engagement and facilitation:
Generate feasible, sustainable solutions to issues
Provide space to voice and process concerns and requests
Foster new relationships
Strengthen existing initiatives
Lead to new bodies of work
Spark innovative ideas and action
I will work with you to select the best methods for your objectives. Examples include consensus decision-making workshops, listening sessions, action planning, Open Space Technology, World Cafés, design charettes, and ignite presentations.
Design of projects & initiatives
Start here when developing a new approach, program, or project. Initiative and program design set the objectives for the work and outline the key components of an approach. I will help you align your planned actions with the problem you intend to address or the opportunity you intend to create. The design methods would be customized to your context. An example of a series of methods we might use is to review existing articles, interview practitioners who are knowledgeable about the problem or opportunity at the center of your work, and engage potential program participants in design sessions.
End products could include a:
Program model
Theory of change or action
Logic model
Program, initiative or project concept brief
Personal coaching
I coach people who feel something in their life is ready for change. You might know exactly what it is or have a feeling of being stuck with no idea where to begin. You might feel unclear about your direction, or like you want more freedom or need encouragement.
What I do is listen closely for what’s underneath the surface, what you value, and where there's not alignment between your values and actions. I ask thoughtful questions that help you see your thoughts and actions from a fresh place. My questions will help you expand your perspective and connect to your inner longing, sense of purpose, and deep inspiration.
I’ll help you tap into new places in your head and heart to uncover the direction you want to move in, and the first close-in step you want to take. I use mindfulness techniques to help you find the curiosity and courage to make the changes you want to make.
I welcome you to contact me for a free 15-minute consultation.